Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exciting January

We've just finished a terribly cold week but it was brightened by things arriving in the mail on Thursday and some weekend fun.

My new and muchly gorgeous wallet.

Our HUGE wedding picture canvas.  It's still in the plastic because we want to wait until our bedroom is set up properly.

Friday night we went to the Hitmen game where my sister happened to be sitting way across from us.  Middle of the picture, highest full row, on the right end beside the person with the big yellow scarf.  HI!!!

The best chocolate malt ice cream ever.  Seriously, it's almost worth going to the saddledome for even without the hockey.

Some of the action.  We won!

Carrot cake sandwich cookies courtesy of pinterest.  It's the second weekend in a row I've made them because they're so good!!!

We are heartily welcoming the chinook that's arrived.  Now that it will be warm for a while, hopefully the garage will warm up so Leif can continue our chest project!

And my lovely purple boots (that I wear almost every day that's not freezing) are ready to brave the slushy-ness after being all waxed up nicely.  If you have soft leather footwear, I would definitely recommend this Nikwax.  It makes the leather darker and smoother (the left boot is done, the right boot is not) and hopefully they're all sealed up!

By the way... January blues.  Guess what?  The days are getting longer!!!


  1. Are you sure those boots aren't brown? The left one looks lovely and a rich, dark brown to me.


  2. Love that chest!! There is no such thing as January month of the year! Oh and wedding picture looks awesome.
