Saturday, December 16, 2017


Another pretty quiet month.

Tried out some new finger foods.

Celebrated grandma's birthday.

This girl is a puzzle queen.

Loves to make all kinds of noise.

"Mom, how could you do this to me?!?"

Many morning minutes spent together in here.

Sunday best series.

Friday, December 1, 2017

November Instagram

McKinley is nine months old today! #evenLOUDERnoises #growthspurt #scratchandgrab #sixteeth

This never happens. My to-do list is longer than my leg, there's meat sitting on the counter, I haven't showered in three days, and sister bear is making a ruckus in the next room instead of napping but here I sit just because I can. One of the good moments in amongst all the really hard ones. Everyone tells me "you're going to miss these days." Maybe they're right but most likely they're wrong. These days are endlessly frustrating for me but I will say this, I will miss this moment. I love my boy.

When the fog lifts, I am thankful for my capacity to have rational, abstract, and intellectual thought. And for the people that think and discuss along with me.