Sunday, November 6, 2011

Four going on Thirteen

We celebrated a little girl's birthday last week.  The usual suspects (aka cute kids) were all present.

Checking out her new camera.

The delicious cake just after the girls blew out the candles!

Say cheese!

What's in the pretty boxes?  We might be coming over to play with some of her new toys!

Chatting to grandma on Skype.

The adults played this hilarious game called Anomia.  You take turns flipping cards and if your symbol matches someone else's, you have to think of an answer for the subject on their card while they think of one for yours.  Whoever answers first wins the other person's card.

Leif making up the name of an opera.
Happy Birthday sweet girl!


  1. Great pictures Laura. Thanks for posting them. Nice cake. Is that game coming along this weekend?


  2. aww come and play anytime....
    ps fitting title for this post!!

  3. So nice be close to your niece and nephew
