Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Out Visit to Lloydminster

We've done a lot of long Friday night drives but this one was straight like we've never done straight before.

So what to do when driving straight for a long time?  Self portraits of course!

And then make funny faces.

And then get bored with the camera.

Saturday we went to the world's largest border markers.  Super cheesy pose.

And here are our wonderful hosts!  They did way better with the posing thing!

Then we went for a round of mini golf.  The pro goes first.

Original Joe's for supper.  Our brilliant husbands decided it would be fun to see who could hold a lemon slice in their mouth the longest.

Then the chuckwagon races!  Les McIntyre was even there calling the races!  Best outrider hat.

One of the finish lines.  We had some fun picking which wagon we thought would win.  I bet based on the prettiness of the reins (very scientific I know), Leif bet on barrel one or two, L bet on the best looking horses, and poor C got which ever one was left.

Some adorable kids hanging out at the front.

This is the biggest house in Lloydminster.  The guy built it just so he could say he had the biggest house.  It has a four car garage.  I wouldn't want to live there, but it sure looks nice!

The guys relaxing and exclaiming about cars or something.  That's their favourite thing to talk about!

And we get to hang out again in nine days!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Love the pics! Except for the one of me golfing..haha. Our husbands are goofy...but good lookin! :-) hehe

    the "other" Laura
