Sunday, March 27, 2011

I could be a brick layer!

Earlier this month we did a brick laying lab as part of our masonry design class.  I was a little worried about getting all dirty and having to wear seriously unfashionable and uncomfortable work boots and having to spend 2 hours on something else right before a midterm, but it turned out to be so much FUN! We laughed so hard at our lack of skills and it was great stress relief.

We got into partners and built arches.  It's one thing in class for the prof to say the quality of the brick laying is super important for the strength development, but it's another thing to execute that!  I definitely have huge respect for brick layers now.

Here's Tim and I starting the arch.  It was pretty hard to get the mortar slapped on vertically and end up with the right spacing at the end for the last brick.

It's so pretty standing all by itself!

Some other group's much more curvy arch.

We watched this team load their arch.  They got a lot of bricks on there!

And here's Tim loading our arch. Getting dirty is worth it sometimes!

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