Monday, January 18, 2010

Craft Night

So it was craft night at our house tonight and my craft won the awards in the following categories.
1. Stinkiest craft
2. Loudest craft
3. Most annoying craft
4. The coolest craft
5. The hottest craft
So is the suspense killing you all? Wondering what on earth would win so many prestigious awards? And what has possessed me to join craft night? Well here is a picture of it. Isn't it so cute?

So yes it’s a dirt bike. It was given to me from my cousin Trent who just didn’t want to deal with it. What are my plans for it you may wonder? Well I’m going to tinker with it until I can’t tinker no more. Then I might sell it because I haven’t figured out a way of transporting it in my civic.


  1. is that your air compressor? where did you get it? Oh and, nice bike.

  2. definetly an award winning craft!!
    nice of you to join us; are you going to bring it to Tara's next week?
