Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rebuttal Dear Husband

As Zoe artfully put, welcome to life in the drastic pace (ie wife) lane! So here is the list of things I/we accomplished last night:

4 loads of laundry done and folded and put away.

Bathroom cleaned.

Prescription forms filled out and hopefully mailed away today (Thank you dear husband).

Went to Michaels AND Staples but did NOT find envelopes that will fit pictures. Seriously people. Why do you not sell them?! Well, we did find an EMPTY shelf for them at Michaels but they were ridiculously expensive.

Went to Superstore to get groceries (including plastic bins!).

Signed up for the TD savings plan.

Went to Rona and bought an air conditioner. Hooray!

Everything else will have to wait for later! There’s a wedding this week and people flocking into Calgary from all over that I get to see!


1 comment:

  1. Wow - you 2 are amazing. Behind every sucessful man is a very organized woman. Try Kinko's for envelopes or ask Molly.

