Saturday, October 26, 2013

Reminiscing about Summer Days

We spent a relaxing long weekend at the lake with a bunch of really fun people!

Baby in a tote in a boat.

Playing water-skiing with their new best friend Chantelle.

This kid was an absolute riot! When he was watching the girls, he got totally into it.

Naps after a long day in the sun.

For the Labour Day long weekend - you guessed it - we went back to the lake!

Kel showing off his balance.

Joel shredding it up.

Me getting over my fears (like I have to every year) and giving it a try.

The studs.

The gang - my dad is taking the picture.

Best photobomb ever.

Leif and then Joel playing on the wave.

Even my parents gave it a try!

Hubby's beautiful rooster tail.

Joel and Kel learning to cut harder.

Me up on skis for the only time this summer I think.

Couple selfie on the mini-golf course.

We finished a whole puzzle!

 Friendly game of Settlers of Catan.


  1. Man, Laura - you get the best pictures!!! And bombs. Thanks for the update.

