Saturday, October 8, 2011


This post is long overdue, but in September Calgary Corporate Challenge was on.  A whole bunch of companies form teams and compete in events like volleyball, softball, basketball, laser tag, curling, darts, pool, trivia, and lots more.  I was really busy with basketball referee training so I only had time to play on the basketball team.  It was so much fun!  I hurt my shoulder, sprained my ankle, and skinned my elbow, but it was all worth it!  Here are some pictures from our games that one of our managers took for me.

Then last Saturday Leif asked me to go to Saturday morning hockey with him.  He didn't think I would come, but I did!  My dad got a whole bunch of old equipment together for me and I got all decked out.



A lovely girl on the bench took these photos for me too.  Boy o boy, do I ever NOT look like a hockey player!  I'll take pictures at Leif's next game and you can see what a real one looks like.

Hooray for the hockey season starting tonight!  Go Flames Go!

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