Monday, July 12, 2010

Field Days

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday last week, I went up to Red Deer with our Senior Biologist to do some soil assessments in the proposed right of way for the upgrade of a highway. I learned that when a highway is built, the contractors must strip all of the top soil off and build the road and then put it back down in the ditches. So we had to go out there and figure out have deep the topsoil went. I didn’t realize this before, but there’s usually a distinct colour change from the topsoil to the subsoil.

Monday was rainy so we had to quit early or risk losing all of our field notes. Tuesday was great weather and we got 40 holes done! It wasn’t too hot and the wind kept the mosquitoes away. Wednesday wasn’t so great. We were both tired and the mosquitoes were relentless and it got really hot!

So, I was supposed to go there to help dig the soil pits. Here is a picture of me attempting to do that. The soil was so compact that even with me jumping on the shovel, I couldn’t do much!

So I was given the recording job. And that suited me just fine!

P.S.  Don't I look so stylish with my bright orange vest!!!


  1. Oh my - you were styin' in the ditches to be sure. Nice shoes, by the way. What happened to your hat? Next time?


  2. You were in the Red Deer area and no phone call?!?! haha.. just kidding..come to think of it you probably don't even have me cell... if you're ever up our way again (and you have time) let me know and we can grab a coffee!!

  3. they made you wear long pants and a hoodie in the heat!? Oh man.
