Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stationary Nerd

Am I the only stationary nerd out there?  Seriously, needing to go to Staples for any reason makes me so excited!!!  Today I had to go there to get a new day planner.  The one I have now ends at the end of July and seems like I'm booking into September at the moment.  Look at this beauty I found!

It's even super bright and happy inside for those cold winter studying days!


  1. No Laura... you are not the only one who loves stationary! Love it though...might need to get a new one myself...the one I have right now is WAY too big!!

  2. I totally love new pens and paper, etc! You are not alone! I think I never grew up from being so excited to go shopping at the end of August for new school supplies every year. Jessica

  3. since I am in the market for a new daytimer that looks like a fabulous find.. I'm going to get one!

  4. You are absolutely not alone - I love new pens and writing paper, could spend hours in Grand & Toy! My favourite part of the new year is getting a new day timer - and I love yours, good pick!

  5. Definitely not the only stationery nerd out there!! :o) I spend hours in the stationery aisles at HomeSense!! :o) And that, my friend, is a SWEET day planner you scored!! :o)
