Monday, June 22, 2009

Oh Please Help!!

So I come home from work today and enter my cave. Shortly after I enter my cave I exited it to find a list that my dear wee wife came up with today. Here it is

Go to M&M to get more chicken breasts and sign up for Max emails

Fill out prescription forms and mail away

Return a shirt and tie to MEXX

Take all our stuff that we dont need to Value Village (could be another post at some other time)

Go to Michaels to find envelopes that will fit pictures

Go to Superstore to get groceries

Sign up for TD savings plan [everytime you use your debit card it puts a preauthorized amount
into your savings account (pretty cool if you ask me)]

Go WAY down south to look at a piano

Go to Rona/Home depot to look for a air conditioner (so we might have a chance at sleeping through the night with out having to change the sheets!)

So there is the list of what she wants us to accomplish tonight!! Perhaps I should have left work at noon.



  1. Welcome to wives are planners and get things done at a drastic pace land.

  2. that's seriously amazing if you even got half of that done! your my new, git r done, inspiration haha

  3. This is great. Some pictures please? I'm going to be up all night stalking blogs. For now - I'm off to see the English countryside.

